PDF Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books

By Chandra Tran on Thursday, April 18, 2019

PDF Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books


Download As PDF : Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books

Download PDF Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur  und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books

Jörg Kortemeyer untersucht die mathematischen Fähigkeiten, die in der Elektrotechnik von Studierenden im ersten Studienjahr erwartet werden. Die Studierenden werden mit Herausforderungen wie Asynchronizitäten zwischen den Mathematikvorlesungen für Ingenieure und unterschiedlichen mathematischen Praktiken in den Ingenieurwissenschaften konfrontiert. Um herauszuarbeiten, wie Studierende ihr Wissen aus der Elektrotechnik mit ihren mathematischen Fähigkeiten kombinieren, analysiert der Autor die Bearbeitungsprozesse von vier Klausuraufgaben einer Zweitsemesterveranstaltung und führt Experteninterviews durch. Die Kombination der Studien liefert tiefere Erkenntnisse zu Problemlöseprozessen in mathematikhaltigen Ingenieurfächern und hilft Charakteristika solcher Prozesse zu finden.

PDF Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books


Product details

  • Series Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und zum Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in der Mathematik und in der Statistik
  • Paperback 669 pages
  • Publisher Springer Spektrum; 1. Aufl. 2019 edition (February 27, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3658255080

Read Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur  und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books

Tags : Mathematische Kompetenzen in Ingenieur-Grundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik (Studien zur ... und in der Statistik) (German Edition) [Jörg Kortemeyer] on . <div>Jörg Kortemeyer untersucht die mathematischen Fähigkeiten, die in der Elektrotechnik von Studierenden im ersten Studienjahr erwartet werden. Die Studierenden werden mit Herausforderungen wie Asynchronizitäten zwischen den Mathematikvorlesungen für Ingenieure und unterschiedlichen mathematischen Praktiken in den Ingenieurwissenschaften konfrontiert. Um herauszuarbeiten,Jörg Kortemeyer,Mathematische Kompetenzen in Ingenieur-Grundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik (Studien zur ... und in der Statistik) (German Edition),Springer Spektrum,3658255080,Education,Education, Higher,C,Cognition cognitive psychology,EDUCATION / Educational Psychology,EDUCATION / Higher,EDUCATION / Teaching Methods Materials / Mathematics,Education - Higher,Education/Educational Psychology,Education/Teaching Methods Materials - Mathematics,Germany,Higher further education, tertiary education,Higher Education,Learning Instruction,Mathematics,Mathematics Education,Mathematische Kompetenzen im Ingenieurstudium; Studieneingangsphase; Problemlösen; Servicemathematik; Prozessanalysen; Problemlöseprozesse in mathematikhaltigen Ingenieurfächern; Modellieren; Mathematische Fähigkeiten für die Elektrotechnik; Aufgabenanalysen,Mathematische Kompetenzen im Ingenieurstudium;Studieneingangsphase;Problemlösen;Servicemathematik;Prozessanalysen;Problemlöseprozesse in mathematikhaltigen Ingenieurfächern;Modellieren;Mathematische Fähigkeiten für die Elektrotechnik;Aufgabenanalysen,Non-Fiction,Pädagogik / Erwachsenenbildung,TEXT,Teaching of a specific subject,Teaching skills techniques,EDUCATION / Educational Psychology,EDUCATION / Higher,EDUCATION / Teaching Methods Materials / Mathematics,Education/Educational Psychology,Education/Teaching Methods Materials - Mathematics,Cognition cognitive psychology,Mathematics,Teaching of a specific subject,Teaching skills techniques,Higher further education, tertiary education,Pädagogik / Erwachsenenbildung

Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books Reviews :

More aboutPDF Mathematische Kompetenzen in IngenieurGrundlagenfächern Analysen zu exemplarischen Aufgaben aus dem ersten Jahr in der Elektrotechnik Studien zur und in der Statistik German Edition Jörg Kortemeyer 9783658255084 Books

Read Keto Diet Cookbook For Beginners 550 Craveable Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Everyday Keto Cookbook Nora Davis 9781795136044 Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Keto Diet Cookbook For Beginners 550 Craveable Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Everyday Keto Cookbook Nora Davis 9781795136044 Books


Product details

  • Series Keto Cookbook (Book 1)
  • Paperback 198 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (January 25, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1795136049

Keto Diet Cookbook For Beginners 550 Craveable Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Everyday Keto Cookbook Nora Davis 9781795136044 Books Reviews

  • Cookbook has NO illustrations and all recipes require a lot of ingredients not common in a normal pantry or fridge. I estimated a normal consumer would spend around 100 dollars in order to have the basic necessities to make a lot of the recipes in this book. There are a lot of strange ingredients that when researched are not good for you! Ingredient's like xanthan gum, xylitol etc. Also majority of recipes have elevated amounts of carbs 50,60,70 or more grams of carbs per dish! I thought the purpose of the Keto diet is to limit carb intake? Would not recommend....
  • This ketogenic diet book will act as a resource for you in knowing everything about the low-carb diet. It will cover the psychology behind such diets, including potential negative effects as well as giviing specific recommendations on how to optimize such a diet. Helpful guide.
  • It's a great book for beginners, the cooking of food is another important factor in creating a well-balanced and healthy diet. Many studies have shown that people who regularly cook at home are more likely to meet dietary guidelines. When you follow a special dietary regimen and you have to track your nutrient intake, cooking at home is the best choice. If you follow a ketogenic diet, the right cookbook is exactly what you need. Overall this book is helpful for ketogenic recipes.
  • I bought this book based on reviews and find that I like it. Photos of the prepared dishes would be helpful, even thumbnail photos, though I assume we are trading off photos for more recipes. Am I the only one to have received a book with an obvious binding error? Pages 1-28 are upside down in the beginning of the book, which requires flipping the book over to use the index.
  • I’m rating this 3 stars but more accurate for me is 2.5. I already have 3 Keto cookbooks. The recipes in this do not appeal to me when I first got it. I looked through the book the following day and again wasn’t thrilled. I am keeping it because it will cost too much to return it. Anyway there are ingredients that are not readily available in PA, USA. The recipes are easy to follow. Way too many dips and desserts....which i’m not into but glad to see avail for those who do. I do not see myself using this book.
  • The recipes are amazing, amazing pictures and the meal plans are very doable
  • If you are just getting started with keto, then this might be a little complicated. Instead, it is a good idea to start with either of the previous methods and then make your way toward this dieting protocol. If you want to follow this diet, then you need self-discipline and self-control.
  • I looked through this entire cookbook and only found about a dozen recipes that I would even try. Most of the are not appealing at all. I would not purchase this again.
More aboutRead Keto Diet Cookbook For Beginners 550 Craveable Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Everyday Keto Cookbook Nora Davis 9781795136044 Books

Ebook Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

By Chandra Tran

Ebook Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books


Download As PDF : Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

Download PDF Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

R160132761. LA TERREUR. PART MAUDITE DE LA REVOLUTION. 2010. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 119 pages. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs dans le texte et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française

Ebook Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

"Great book. I enjoyed it very much"

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Gallimard
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2070439143

Read Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

Tags : Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution on . R160132761. LA TERREUR. PART MAUDITE DE LA REVOLUTION. 2010. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant,Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution,Gallimard,2070439143,749782070439140

Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books Reviews :

Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books Reviews

  • Great book. I enjoyed it very much
More aboutEbook Decouverte Gallimard La terreur part maudite de la Revolution 9782070439140 Books

Read Excel 2007 Paso a Paso Spanish Edition Guy HartDavis Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Excel 2007 Paso a Paso Spanish Edition Guy HartDavis Books


Product details

  • Paperback 512 pages
  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores S.A. de C.V.; 1 edition edition (May 30, 2007)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 9701060644

Excel 2007 Paso a Paso Spanish Edition Guy HartDavis Books Reviews

  • Everything excellent, as described and works great.
More aboutRead Excel 2007 Paso a Paso Spanish Edition Guy HartDavis Books

Read Online Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Online Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books


Download As PDF : Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

Download PDF Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

Ocultismo medieval es una invitación para que el lector se sumerja en la azarosa Edad Media y descubra los entresijos de los Maestros constructores, sus vidas y sus ritos. Un viaje en el tiempo que permitirá descubrir a las primeras logias que se establecieron en dicha época, el nacimiento de los gremios artesanales, sus conocimientos, su simbología críptica y los mensajes que dejaron impresos en la piedra para los iniciados y para todo aquél que sepa ver.

Read Online Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

"Excelente libro!!"

Product details

  • Series Historia Incognita
  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher Nowtilus (June 1, 2009)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 8497637372

Read Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

Tags : Ocultismo Medieval (Historia Incognita) (Spanish Edition) [Xavier Musquera] on . Ocultismo medieval es una invitación para que el lector se sumerja en la azarosa Edad Media y descubra los entresijos de los Maestros constructores,Xavier Musquera,Ocultismo Medieval (Historia Incognita) (Spanish Edition),Nowtilus,8497637372,History - Medieval,Medieval,Europe,History,Architecture / History / Medieval,HISTORY / Europe / Medieval,History - General History,History / Medieval,Spanish Adult Nonfiction

Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books Reviews :

Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books Reviews

  • Excelente libro!!
  • Es un excelente libro sobre el tema de los símbolos, su descripción y significado, de la época medieval. Muy recomendado.
  • Interesante.
More aboutRead Online Ocultismo Medieval Historia Incognita Spanish Edition Xavier Musquera 9788497637374 Books

Read Online Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Online Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books


Download As PDF : Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

Download PDF Les bact&eacuteries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l&#39intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

Nous naissons stériles, mais sommes envahis dès notre toute première seconde de vie par des bactéries qui resteront en nous définitivement. Fort heureusement, nous vivons en parfaite symbiose avec elles. Nos bactéries sont heureuses en nous et elles nous le rendent bien car, malgré leur mauvaise réputation, elles sont bienveillantes et nous protègent de nombre de maladies.

L'intestin, surnommé "deuxième cerveau", nous contrôle grâce à elles nos amies les bactéries nous aident à digérer, à nous protéger des microbes malveillants et à les combattre, mais surtout elles nous défendent contre l'obésité, les allergies, les douleurs du ventre et les maladies digestives. Mieux encore, elles parviennent à nous protéger des maladies cardiaques ainsi que de certains cancers, et peuvent même modifier notre comportement, nous rendre sensibles ou nous protéger vis-à-vis de la consommation d'alcool.

L'évolution de l'humanité a entraîné avec elle l'évolution des bactéries, mais c'est surtout ces dernière années que notre société s'est transformée, et très vite modifications de notre alimentation (régime trop gras et/ou trop sucré, additifs alimentaires, édulcorants), augmentation des voyages et migrations humaines, apparition des antibiotiques. Nous avons perdu certaines bactéries, et cela a entraîné des conséquences, d'abord insoupçonnées, mais maintenant mieux comprises notre déséquilibre bactérien, appelé dysbiose, participe à l'obésité, au diabète, aux douleurs et aux maladies cardiaques ou du tube digestif, à l'augmentation de certains cancers et même au développement de troubles psychiatriques, comme le stress ou l'autisme.

Comment nos bactéries nous contrôlent-elles ? Comment protéger notre capital bactérien dès notre plus jeune âge et retrouver une flore bactérienne normale en cas de déséquilibre, de dysbiose ? Peut-on se soigner en agissant sur nos bactéries bienveillantes ? Que penser des antibiotiques qui détruisent les bactéries ?

Cet ouvrage, réalisé par deux spécialistes des bactéries digestives, permet de comprendre que les bactéries doivent être dédiabolisées. Certaines nous rendent malades, mais celles avec qui nous vivons quotidiennement sont un gage majeur de notre bonne santé, et ce dès la naissance.

>> Ce livre audio en version intégrale vous est proposé en exclusivité par Audible et est uniquement disponible en téléchargement.

Read Online Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

"An amazing insight in the functionality of our digestif track and its relationship with our primary brain.
The book is written in a very accessible language to non medical specialists."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 8 hours and 10 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Audible Studios
  • Audible.com Release Date April 19, 2017
  • Language French, French
  • ASIN B06Y15K46P

Read Les bact&eacuteries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l&#39intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

Tags : Les bactéries, des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin (Audible Audio Edition) Anne-Marie Cassard, Marie-Eve Dufresne, Laurent Jacquet, Audible Studios Books, ,Anne-Marie Cassard, Marie-Eve Dufresne, Laurent Jacquet, Audible Studios,Les bactéries, des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin,Audible Studios,B06Y15K46P

Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books Reviews :

Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books Reviews

  • An amazing insight in the functionality of our digestif track and its relationship with our primary brain.
    The book is written in a very accessible language to non medical specialists.
More aboutRead Online Les bactéries des amies qui vous veulent du bien Le bonheur est dans l'intestin Audible Audio Edition AnneMarie Cassard MarieEve Dufresne Laurent Jacquet Audible Studios Books

Download Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

By Chandra Tran

Download Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books


Download As PDF : Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

Download PDF Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

In a culture that bombards women with "thinspiration" messages and pressure to "do it all" while wearing the mask of perfection, women are left feeling alone and overwhelmed. How can they stop comparing themselves to others? How can they live out who they really are?

Lee Wolfe Blum offers stories from everyday women who have answered these questions with their lives—and found true beauty in the process. In Brave Is the New Beautiful, Blum weaves reflections from her own journey with inspirational stories from everyday women who chose to take off their masks and live authentically. Through call-to-action questions and ideas, she encourages readers to be brave enough to be who they really are and the beloved that God knows they are.

Download Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

"Relatable, vulnerable and gutsy. This book takes you on a journey through many women's lives and shows you how to find the bravery in your situation. This is Lee's second book and I love it as much as the first. You still get the memoir type book that I loved with the first but you get to see inside many women. She finds the fight in these women and you end up seeing parts of yourself in all of it. You ask yourself, What would I do? How would I get through that? She also takes you on her own journey throughout. I can't wait to see what she will write next!"

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher David C Cook (March 1, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1434710300

Read Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

Tags : Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You [Lee Wolfe Blum, Shannon Ethridge] on . <DIV>In a culture that bombards women with "thinspiration" messages and pressure to "do it all" while wearing the mask of perfection,Lee Wolfe Blum, Shannon Ethridge,Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You,David C Cook,1434710300,Christian Life - Women's Issues,Christian women - Religious life,Christian women;Religious life.,Self-acceptance in women - Religious aspects - Christianity,Self-acceptance in women;Religious aspects;Christianity.,Self-realization in women - Religious aspects - Christianity,RELIGION / Christian Life / Women's Issues,RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests,Religion,Religion - Christian Life,The Gifts of Imperfection; Daring Greatly; real beauty;,comparing yourself to others; be authentic; perfectionism in women;,true beauty; books on vulnerability;,true beauty; books on vulnerability; The Gifts of Imperfection; Daring Greatly; real beauty; comparing yourself to others; be authentic; perfectionism in women

Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books Reviews :

Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books Reviews

  • "I don't have to strive to be enough. Because of God's great love, I am enough. And so are you, brave, beautiful woman. You are seen. You are known."

    Another great book by the amazing Lee Wolfe Blum! In this book, Lee chronicles stories about real women, women in her own community and whom she is connected with, who have faced terrible challenges, yet have used their undying faith to find strength and connection. Life is tough, and this book reminds us that we are not alone. There are brave and courageous women everywhere, and there is a brave and courageous woman in each one of us. What keeps us alone is our fear of being judged, disliked, and criticized. What many of us fail to remember is that everyone has a story. We all have struggles, and until we talk about these and share them with others, we will continue to struggle. Brave really is the new beautiful.

    "Be vulnerable. Be real. Be raw and let your naked bravery shine bright. In doing so, you help others see hope. You help others have faith. That is brave. That is beautiful. Now go forth and be that for one another, you brave and beautiful women!"
  • I am not a reader; in the past two-and-a-half years since I moved, I have picked up 8 books to read and left them unfinished on the shelf. This book by Lee Blum is the FIRST and ONLY book I was able to read all the way through**. It was touch & go the first few chapters because I related too closely with the stories Lee shared. Not Lee's fault at all. I loved the fact that God can turn our messes into miracles, that He helps us see the redeeming factors and results from awful, unmanageable situations and horrific events, even if the clarity of that redemption is only seen years down the road. I saw what my past mistakes were in their stories; to me, the "brave" in these women was in not isolating but embracing community to help them through.

    This book was a reminder that we are not alone in this life, that we have a Loving and Forgiving and Ever-Present Savior who cares for us, walks with us through our sorrow and pain. Thank you, Lee, for this glimpse into other women's lives, to see the hope and joyous outcomes that can and will happen when we surrender to all God has for us!

    ** I did not take advantage of the "for reflection" questions; I read them but did not respond for fear I would not continue reading; stopping to think and ponder leads me to distraction. I WILL be re-reading the book to challenge myself with my answers to the questions. And I also purchased Lee's first book, Table In The Darkness, yesterday.
  • I read this book over my kid's winter break and I loved it. First, we all talk about how everyone is airbrushed and real beauty is on the inside, and I totally know that in my head. Still, I have to fight these icky thoughts and horribly mean voices every time I look in the mirror. Why?! I know better! I know I know better, but I still fall into the trap of needing to look thinner, prettier, or younger than I am. Until I read books like this. I need these reminders. Every woman and every story in this book is SO beautiful it reminds me what I know real beauty is and the kind of woman I actually want to be- strong, kind, and with endurance.

    I love the format too, because each chapter is pretty self contained, so I can have bite sized stories that I can finish during a 30 minute swim lesson then put it down and come back for more.
  • Lee Wolf Blum’s new book, Brave is the New Beautiful, is compelling, encouraging, and relatable.

    I read it cover to cover in one very long bath. I smiled and cried reading stories so similar to mine (and similar to yours, I guarantee it).

    By the end of Brave is the New Beautiful I felt deeply understood, far from alone, and loved. I felt hopeful that God was never going to stop loving me, and all the women I know searching for love. I felt Beautiful. Because I was going to be Brave.

    -This would be great for your small group. Read the book and gather together to share your own Brave stories.
    -Order one for your mom, daughter, sister, or friend. Perhaps include a note stating one Brave thing you love about her.
    -Order one for yourself and ask God, “I want to be the woman you made me to be, Brave and Beautiful. Will you show me how?”

    [Note I received a copy of Brave Is the New Beautiful from Baker in exchange for an honest review.]
  • Relatable, vulnerable and gutsy. This book takes you on a journey through many women's lives and shows you how to find the bravery in your situation. This is Lee's second book and I love it as much as the first. You still get the memoir type book that I loved with the first but you get to see inside many women. She finds the fight in these women and you end up seeing parts of yourself in all of it. You ask yourself, What would I do? How would I get through that? She also takes you on her own journey throughout. I can't wait to see what she will write next!
  • If you are anything like me, you love to hear other people's stories. What they were dealt, how they handled the situation, ultimately how they overcame the obstacle and how I can grow from having heard it. Lee does a beautiful job bringing the reader into the lives of these women. There were points where, due to her beautiful words in combination with the amazing true stories, I forgot I was reading and felt like I was sitting in a room listening to a friend tell her story. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading it again soon.
  • I pre-ordered this book and was so glad to receive it! Lee Wolfe Blum understands the hearts of women. She knows their strengths and weaknesses, their fears and their dreams. In this book she tells the story of a number of women, and in their stories we find ourselves. Some of the stories will have you turning pages as fast as you can; others will stop you in your tracks. But you'll be glad you read them. Blum's writing is both reassuring and challenging, a much-needed call to authentic life together. Excellent book.
More aboutDownload Brave Is the New Beautiful Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Lee Wolfe Blum Shannon Ethridge 9781434710307 Books

PDF La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books

By Chandra Tran

PDF La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books


Download As PDF : La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books

Download PDF La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books

En el lejano mundo de Anoryen existe un continente, Hêrion, donde la magia es resguardada por Siete Bendecidas elegidas por el Único. Sin embargo, la misteriosa desaparición de las doncellas deja a los habitantes a merced de un grupo de crueles invasores, cuyo propósito es apoderarse del maravilloso don y aniquilar los reinos.Un joven extranjero, de pasado misterioso y turbulento, tendrá un protagonismo que jamás soñó.Mientras las guerras, las confabulaciones y los engendros desangran las tierras de Hêrion, en una comitiva integrada por siete guerreras yace la esperanza de supervivencia del continente.¿Los enviados serán dignos de entregar cuerpo y alma?

PDF La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books


Product details

  • Series Los Reinos de Hêrion (Book 1)
  • Paperback 298 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (December 19, 2018)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 1791533469

Read La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books

Tags : La llave púrpura (Los Reinos de Hêrion) (Spanish Edition) [Leonor Ñañez, Carolina Panero] on . En el lejano mundo de Anoryen existe un continente, Hêrion, donde la magia es resguardada por Siete Bendecidas elegidas por el Único. Sin embargo,Leonor Ñañez, Carolina Panero,La llave púrpura (Los Reinos de Hêrion) (Spanish Edition),Independently published,1791533469,JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy Magic,Fiction / Fantasy / General

La llave púrpura Los Reinos de Hêrion Spanish Edition Leonor Ñañez Carolina Panero 9781791533465 Books Reviews :

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Download ON YOUR MARK! A Chronicle of EMU Track and Cross Country from 19672000 Volume 1 Bob Parks 9781478794127 Books

By Chandra Tran

Download ON YOUR MARK! A Chronicle of EMU Track and Cross Country from 19672000 Volume 1 Bob Parks 9781478794127 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 424 pages
  • Publisher Outskirts Press (March 15, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1478794127

ON YOUR MARK! A Chronicle of EMU Track and Cross Country from 19672000 Volume 1 Bob Parks 9781478794127 Books Reviews

  • I have no idea how Bob Parks has such a good memory or documentation, but he does!
  • Loved it! Thorough, cool perspective on track and field!
More aboutDownload ON YOUR MARK! A Chronicle of EMU Track and Cross Country from 19672000 Volume 1 Bob Parks 9781478794127 Books

Download Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

By Chandra Tran

Download Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books


Download As PDF : Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

Download PDF Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

El manual de español orientado a la accion que hace del aula el contexto perfecto para el aprendizaje de la lengua…por su variedad de actividades, que tienen en cuenta los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, por su equilibrio entre el trabajo de comprension, de produccion y de interaccion,por su tratamiento de la gramatica, riguroso y significativo, por su lenguaje grafico claro y atractivo, porque , frece numerosos audios, porque cada unidad didactica incorpora un video, porque se complementa con recursos digitales alojados en campus.difusion.com. Aula internacional Nueva edicion es un manual compacto; es decir, en un mismo volumen se incluyen el libro del alumno, el cuaderno de ejercicios (Mas ejercicios), un CD con las audiciones, un extenso resumen gramatical (Mas gramatica), una completa tabla de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Download Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

"Delighted that these excellent texts are available through this Amazon seller."

Product details

  • Paperback 246 pages
  • Publisher Difusion Centro de Publicacion y Publicaciones de Idiomas, S.L. (July 30, 2014)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 8415640110

Read Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

Tags : Aula Internacional 3. Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 (B1) (Spanish Edition) [Jaime Corpas, Agustín Garmendia, Carmen Soriano] on . El manual de español orientado a la accion que hace del aula el contexto perfecto para el aprendizaje de la lengua…por su variedad de actividades,Jaime Corpas, Agustín Garmendia, Carmen Soriano,Aula Internacional 3. Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 (B1) (Spanish Edition),Difusion Centro de Publicacion y Publicaciones de Idiomas, S.L.,8415640110,Reference / Foreign Languages

Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books Reviews :

Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books Reviews

  • Delighted that these excellent texts are available through this seller.
  • Task-based approach methodology. Excellent text.
  • Ok for the options in the Latin American market, the thing I do not like is all the audios are European Spanish!
  • Great condition
More aboutDownload Aula Internacional 3 Nueva Edicion Libro del Alumno + Ejercicios + CD 3 B1 Spanish Edition Jaime Corpas Agustín Garmendia Carmen Soriano 9788415640110 Books

Download PDF Mom Cookbook Cherished Family Recipes Blank Recipe Journal Joyful Journals 9781791541545 Books

By Chandra Tran

Download PDF Mom Cookbook Cherished Family Recipes Blank Recipe Journal Joyful Journals 9781791541545 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 106 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (December 12, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1791541542

Mom Cookbook Cherished Family Recipes Blank Recipe Journal Joyful Journals 9781791541545 Books Reviews

  • Perfect and exactly what i was wanting!
  • I loved it, perfect gift for my mom.
More aboutDownload PDF Mom Cookbook Cherished Family Recipes Blank Recipe Journal Joyful Journals 9781791541545 Books

Download Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

By Chandra Tran

Download Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books


Download As PDF : Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

Download PDF Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

Wondering how to launch, grow, and monetize your own podcast? Discover the ultimate podcasting tips and strategies that will help you with all of your podcasting goals! 

Imagine what life would be like if millions of people visited your content and all of your product launches were massive successes. You can create the content you love and know it will have an impact on your audience. You don't have to create content and grow your brand on the side. Your content brand is the full-time job. You would probably feel more fulfilled and happy with the work you're doing.

All of this is possible when you know and implement the key secrets that have transformed many content brands in the past (and continue doing so in the future). Most of these secrets involve small changes on your end that will have a compounded effect over the long term. That way, you can continue creating the content you love...but with more traffic and revenue.

In Podcast Domination, you will find

  • How to book top guests for your podcast
  • How to drive listeners to your episodes
  • The secrets to monetizing your podcast
  • Getting booked on other podcasts

Regardless of your experience with creating and marketing your content, you can use the insights in this audiobook to take your business to the next level and beyond.

Don't wait!

Listen to this audiobook now and unlock the benefits of having a successful podcast today!

Download Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

"Thorough coverage of the subject. Many books in the topic seem to be teasers to sell premium content. This book is not like that - he covers all topics."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 2 hours and 15 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Guberti Press
  • Audible.com Release Date December 12, 2018
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B07L9J3G2P

Read Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

Tags : Podcast Domination Launch, Grow, and Monetize Your Podcast (Grow Your Influence Series, Book 2) (Audible Audio Edition) Marc Guberti, Guberti Press Books, ,Marc Guberti, Guberti Press,Podcast Domination Launch, Grow, and Monetize Your Podcast (Grow Your Influence Series, Book 2),Guberti Press,B07L9J3G2P

Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books Reviews :

Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books Reviews

  • I was a guest on Marc's podcast and was impressed at how knowledgeable and experienced he is. I picked up his book and was blown away. I have already implemented the information in his book. A must read.
  • This was a very informative book. I didn’t feel like it was a great big add to buy something else. I learned a lot and plan to have a successful podcast launch after receiving this great information.
  • Thorough coverage of the subject. Many books in the topic seem to be teasers to sell premium content. This book is not like that - he covers all topics.
More aboutDownload Podcast Domination Launch Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Grow Your Influence Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Marc Guberti Guberti Press Books

PDF An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

By Chandra Tran

PDF An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books


Download As PDF : An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

Download PDF An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds&#39 Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

Excerpt from An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories, the Heralds' Visitations, and in the More Important Genealogical Collections

About the Publisher

Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com

This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

PDF An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

Read An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds&#39 Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

Tags : ,Charles Bridger,An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories, the Heralds' Visitations, and in the More Important Genealogical Collections (Classic Reprint),Forgotten Books,0260071447,HISTORY / General,Reference/Genealogy Heraldry

An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books Reviews :

More aboutPDF An Index to the Printed Pedigrees Contained in the County and Local Histories the Heralds' Visitations and in the More Important Genealogical Collections Classic Reprint Charles Bridger 9780260071446 Books

Download PDF Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

By Chandra Tran on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Download PDF Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books


Download As PDF : Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

Download PDF Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

The New York Times bestselling author of the Beauty Detox series, nutritionist, and personal development expert Kimberly Snyder offers us a powerful new guide to help us feel good, eat well, dispel insecurities, and increase our love of life.

Feeling good is not about having a picture-perfect life with a flawless body, job, and family. We can have those things and still feel deeply unhappy. Joy and true confidence come by finding a level of inner peace in our messy, perfectly imperfect lives.

In this beautiful, inspirational, and highly anticipated new book, Kimberly Snyder shares not only her amazing new food recipes but also practical tips for living a happy and fulfilling life. As Snyder teaches, the key is to live beyond labels, heal body shame, and move past self-judgment. By embracing life's ups and downs and learning to tune into our intuition, we can ultimately claim our right to feel good, just as we are. 

With dozens of life lessons and more than 100 plant-based recipes for smoothies, soups, snacks, and entrées, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life invites us to find inner peace and acceptance, and teaches us how a healthier mind and body can give us strength to thrive in all parts of our lives.

Download PDF Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

"I'm new to Kimberly's books and while I love the idea of living a perfectly imperfect life, I'm disappointed that there is no Table of Contents or Index to help me find recipes. The sidebars with recipe suggestions don't really help me when I'm looking specifically for a recipe with avocado or quinoa for example. I honestly am perplexed that a cookbook wouldn't include an Index. Hmmnn...I'll be returning this."

Product details

  • Paperback 272 pages
  • Publisher Harmony; 1 edition (February 19, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0525573712

Read Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

Tags : Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health, Healing, and Happiness [Kimberly Snyder C.N.] on . <b>The New York Times </i>bestselling author of the Beauty Detox series, nutritionist, and personal development expert Kimberly Snyder offers us a powerful new guide to help us feel good,Kimberly Snyder C.N.,Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health, Healing, and Happiness,Harmony,0525573712,Detoxification (Health),Detoxification (Health).,Nutrition,Nutrition.,Self-care, Health,Self-care, Health.,COOKERY,COOKING / Beverages / Juices Smoothies,COOKING / Health Healing / General,Cooking/Beverages - Juices Smoothies,GENERAL,General Adult,HEALTH FITNESS / Body Cleansing Detoxification,Health Fitness/Body Cleansing Detoxification,Health Fitness/Diet Nutrition - Diets,Health/Fitness,NUTRITION AND DIET,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL HEALTH,United States,health fitness;self improvement;personal development;relaxation;meditation;mindfulness;personal growth;body image;stress relief;self help books for women;motivation;detox;recipes;self help;beauty detox;emotional detox;shame;guilt;boundless energy;New York Times Bestseller;yoga;memoir;inspiration;perfectionist;perfectionism;sleep;healthy living;feeling beautiful;beauty;health;diet;wellness;happiness;self help books;healthy eating;fitness;cookbooks;health and wellness;cookbook;cooking;diet books,health fitness; self improvement; personal development; relaxation; meditation; mindfulness; personal growth; body image; stress relief; self help books for women; motivation; detox; recipes; self help; beauty detox; emotional detox; shame; guilt; boundless energy; New York Times Bestseller; yoga; memoir; inspiration; perfectionist; perfectionism; sleep; healthy living; feeling beautiful; beauty; health; diet; wellness; happiness; healthy eating; self help books; fitness; health and wellness; cookbooks; cooking; cookbook; diet books

Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books Reviews :

Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books Reviews

  • I have been a fan of Kimberly Snyder for some time and own all her books, as well having cooked many of the recipes from the Beauty Detox series prolifically so was excited to see this next offering,

    This book, like many of her other titles is part lifestyle guide, part cookbook and does contain over 100 plant based recipes. The thing I love most about this book is it is a "life detox" plan - how many traditional detox books do we seer that center around food only and a restrictive plan that will lose weight short term but is certainly not a long term plan and not a road map for a better life, which this book leans towards

    The book begins by a brief introduction to the "life detox plan"which essentially is designed to help you feel better inside and out; its about self acceptance and loving ourselves just the way we are with some tweaks to help us be happier, healthier versions of ourselves. Then part one features the author sharing personal experiences and those of others she has worked with as we are taken through chapters such as clearing blocks that hold us back , clearing self judgement, approval addicts ( yes, that talking to everyone that needs "liked" comments to their social media -let it go and just like yourself) and guilt cleanse. This section is also peppered with advice for small steps we can take and also references recipes later in the book that tie into the given discussion. Its an easy read and interesting too.

    Part two is the recipes Smoothies and bowls, salads, Starters and side dishes, soups and stews, entrees, brunch, kids corner and desserts and bars and this was the part that encouraged me to make this purchase as a I am collector of plant based recipe books. For the most part, the recipes call for general produce, nuts, seeds and spices but there are a few that have specialty ingredients but these can likely be adapted.

    I think the recipes is the part that I was a little let down by and hence took off some stars - for example, the tempeh taco meat salad shows a plate where the tempeh is accompanied by a rather pedestrian looking salad that reminds me of something you would get free to begin your meal at a family style chain restaurant and the smoothie section features the old standard of how to make nut milks. Other 'dishes' include steamed veggies and asparagus with some almonds - very basic, very simple so I wonder if the intended audience is a very novice cook.

    The entrees depends on your taste I suppose, but again I was not blown away by them - take a pasta dish for example with some store bought gluten free pasta, basil yeast, avocado and tomato?! It looked boring and sounded boring and certainly nothing I would want to make, and again taste dependent, but for me I am not into bolognese, shepherds pie or veggie burgers, so found it laden with more comfort dishes than I would like. The lentil love loaf does however look like something I will make and I did whip up the happy earth scramble which is easy and delicious. The kids dishes are really fun though and parents will love them - simple and easy!

    This book is interesting and has some interesting information but sadly the recipes are a little lackluster for me but it might be just right for someone newer to a plant based diet!
  • I love Kimberly’s new book I just received it yesterday and have a snow day off so have time to read this and work on the new recipes. I love all of Kimberly’s books especially beauty detox power but this one I think will be my new favorite. The book has beautiful graphic design and photos, the message of the book is amazing not only the recipes . I’m just getting past a bad time in life when my wedding this fall was cancelled and have to try to love myself and cook for just myself again and start to love this new chapter of life that was unexpected and the message in the book and healing recipes are exactly what I needed. Thank you kimberly again the diet and lifestyle has made such a difference for me in all her books!
  • The recipes exceed expectations because it is all grounded in something so much deeper - the first part of the book. I am feeling like this will be my new go-to reference for life advice as I adjust to much healthier ways. Letting go, finding true worth, connecting with that energizing oneness... it's something sublime and simple, forgiving for messiness, and that I am SO grateful to have in my hands to read. And those life recipes and kitchen recipes are changing my everyday! I love the veggie centric meals and genius gluten free baking!! Thank you Kimberly!!!
  • I have followed Kimberly since 2013 and have all her books. This one is the one I have related the most. As a recovering perfectionist I'm always seeking for better ways to deal with my OCD personality. I've read different books from other authors about spiritual and personal growth. This book has a different approach on how to get rid of the blocks that don't let us see our real value. It shows us techniques we can apply right away on how to deal with guilt, shame, stop judgment and open our hearts to kindness and compassion for ourselves and others. Kimberly gives examples from her own life experiences that even though may not be exactly the same as mine the awkwardness and uncomfortable "negative" emotions are pretty much situations a lot of us can identify with. I tend to idealize people I admire and think they have it all figured out and have a perfect life. This book reminds me we are ALL on this journey and we can learn, enjoy and love our perfectly imperfect life.
  • I'm new to Kimberly's books and while I love the idea of living a perfectly imperfect life, I'm disappointed that there is no Table of Contents or Index to help me find recipes. The sidebars with recipe suggestions don't really help me when I'm looking specifically for a recipe with avocado or quinoa for example. I honestly am perplexed that a cookbook wouldn't include an Index. Hmmnn...I'll be returning this.
  • This book is easy to read and digest. Kimberly Snyder offers overall wellness information that is backed by scientific research and made relatable by telling personal stories. The theme is that everything in our bodies is interconnected - analytical mind, emotional feelings, physical body, and spirit - and simply eating organic, nutritious food and exercising is not all there is to our bodies’ wellness. This book provides simple lifestyle shifts that can easily become habits that keep you on the path of progress. I bought several copies to gift to friends because it feels so right to share Kimberly’s work.
More aboutDownload PDF Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Everyday Ways to Live and Eat for Health Healing and Happiness Kimberly Snyder CN 9780525573715 Books

Read Online Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Online Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books


Download As PDF : Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

Download PDF Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere® Deployments


The Complete Guide to Planning, Deploying, and Operating  High-Performance VMware vSphere 5 Virtual Infrastructure


To make the most of VMware’s vSphere 5, IT professionals need knowledge, tips, and insights they’ll  never find in the manuals–or in any book, until now! In Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments, two world-class VMware experts offer start-to-finish lessons for vSphere planning, implementation, operation, management, and troubleshooting expert insights drawn from their unsurpassed  "in-the-trenches" consulting experience.


Writing for experienced VMware professionals, the authors focus on high-value techniques optimized for the new vSphere 5, helping you establish frameworks that support your virtual infrastructure’s evolution for years to come. They present scenarios and examples drawn from real-world data, helping you address crucial issues ranging from sizing and performance to redundancy. The book concludes with a full  case study that walks you through a design from inception through implementation and explores the reasons for each key decision.


Coverage includes

     •    Building a strong foundation for virtual infrastructure design considerations and  best practices

     •    Smoothly integrating vSphere 5 into current environments and considerations

     •    Establishing a more stable infrastructure

     •    Choosing hardware and making optimal configuration decisions

     •    Transforming your VMware design from  blueprint to completion

     •    Operating vSphere solutions more efficiently  on a day-to-day basis    

     •    Automating tasks and maximizing availability

     •    Streamlining the installation of updates, patches, and upgrades

     •    Forecasting and planning capacity on an ongoing basis to support growth

     •    Overcoming roadblocks on the journey to  100% virtualization

     •    Monitoring vSphere 5 with tools provided by VMware and its community

     •    Discovering the most valuable and current online VMware resources

     •    Examples using Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) are provided throughout the book


Read Online Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

"Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments by Sean Crookston and Harley Stagner is a must have book for any VMware consultant.
Examples using Cisco UCS was very good, as a lot of companies are deploying the UCS solution. Following the Design Blueprint is very well written. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who works as a pre/post sales VMware engineer."

Product details

  • Series IT Best Practices
  • Paperback 256 pages
  • Publisher VMware Press; 1 edition (August 3, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0321820479

Read Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

Tags : Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments (IT Best Practices) 9780321820471 Computer Science Books @ ,Sean Crookston, Harley Stagner,Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments (IT Best Practices),VMware Press,0321820479,COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / General,Certification Guides - General,Computer Books General,Computers,Computers - Certification

Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books Reviews :

Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books Reviews

  • Great book for those wanting to learn more about vSphere deployments and prepare for their VCAP-DCD
  • Very good book, will recommend this book for reading and applying in your day to day work for people in the "virtual world"
  • I recently received a copy of Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments by Sean Crookston and Harley Stanger and I wanted to share my thoughts.

    Chapter 1 Laying the Groundwork

    What a great start. This chapter covers the core competencies of vSphere 5. Not only is the functionality of these competencies discussed, but the design considerations are given as well. Good choice guys! Chapter 1 starts off with capacity planning (disk, network, compute, environmental) and was my favorite part of the chapter. Capacity planning is one of the most important steps that must occur prior to deployment and it can mean the difference between success and failure. Some other areas discussed

    Performance - storage performance; IOPS and throughput
    Management - updates, monitoring processes
    Designing - hardware, DRS, HA, vMotion, Storage DRS
    Like I said before, a great start!

    Chapter 2 Implementing the Solution

    This chapter did not skip a beat. Chapter 2 picks up right where chapter 1 left off; with design. It goes through doing a final review of the design with the stakeholders prior to implementing. My favorite part of this chapter is the `Automating Implementation Tasks'. This chapter hits on host profiles, PowerCLI, vCenter Orchestrator and Auto Deploy (which is very cool). At the end of the chapter Harley and Sean go through how to verify the implementation, which I think is super useful and can be the difference between success and failure with regards to implementation.

    Chapter 3 Operating the Environment

    Chapter 3 has a lot of meat to it. It covers the gamut of operational considerations in a vSphere 5 environment, Some of the highlights

    Backups - this part covers snapshots and then goes into VMware Data Recovery, which is a free, and good on a small scale
    Updates - we all hate updating and patching the infrastructure, but its got to be done, and VMware Update Manager is the tool for the job. Update Manager is well covered in this chapter and even covers the different upgrade paths when moving from earlier versions

    Chapter 4 Managing the Environment

    The second part of this chapter was one of the best in the book; performance management. The performance management section covered performance recommendations and how to plan for growth in the following areas

    Storage Performance Management - talks about VAAI primitives
    Host Performance Management - gives you a good way to calculate resource pools and provides recommendations
    Networking Performance Management - covers Network I/O Control (NIOC) and bandwidth management--among other things
    This chapter also touched on the vCenter Operations Management Suite, which is a pretty fantastic product. If you don't own it, or never used it. I would advise that you go to vmware.com and download the trial version and check it out.

    Chapter 5 Roadblocks to 100% Virtualization

    A lot of books are out on vSphere 5, and the ones I have read are great. However, this is the first books that I've read that discusses roadblocks to 100% virtualization. I really like that they've put this in the book. This chapter discusses the roadblocks administrators and system engineers are facing, not only from a technical aspect, but from a political point of view. Things such as VM Sprawl is discussed, CAPEX/OPEX, business critical apps, the list goes on. This was my favorite chapter of the book.

    Chapter 6 Full Case Study

    This chapter helps you solidify what you've learned throughout the book From design and implementation, to managing the environment. The lions share of this chapter is focused on design, but one would argue that is one of the most important aspects of this process (if not the most important).
  • This book is a guide to planning, designing, implementing, operating and managing a VMware vSphere infrastructure.

    It walks you through the entire process from the planning stages, right on through to managing the infrastructure after the implementation is done. Chapter 6 is a full real world case study exemplifying the methodology highlighted in chapters 1 – 5.

    This book does an in-depth discussion of business drivers and decisions, something very few other books in the virtualization space cover.

    Where other books walk you through installation, configuration and management aspects of virtualization with VMware vSphere, this book goes one step further and and covers best practices combined with real world examples and case studies.

    The essentials required to implement a successful virtual infrastructure is covered with great detail, and this book is a must have for anyone that are already designing virtual infrastructures, or plan to do so.

    For me, on the road to VCDX certification, this book will be invaluable as I work towards the certification, not to mention in my day to day work facing VMware vSphere customers.

    This book was provided for free of charge by VMware Press for review purposes, without any promises of a positive review. All views are my own.
  • An excellent guide filled with essential design, planning, deployment tips, & best practices needed to implement a successful virtual infrastructure that will accommodate unexpected growth due to future requirements. The emphasis is on planning to avoid future bottlenecks or technical blocks. Storage and performance management is covered well, along with the ever critical backup/disaster recovery necessities that every installation hopes not to have to use but will save a project if needed. The case study is a classic 'real-world' scenario that is well laid out with many useful examples. I wish the book had reserved a section to discuss guidance or provide references when deploying Oracle Databases in virtual environments. This remains one of the more challenging areas of tweaking a virtual server to run efficiently. Like a physical server, there are various tuning tips & tricks that will make a performance difference when accessing Oracle. Perhaps a VMware vSphere Oracle deployment book? All in all, this is a great little guidebook that should be part of your toolkit if you work with VMware vSphere.
  • Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments by Sean Crookston and Harley Stagner is a must have book for any VMware consultant.
    Examples using Cisco UCS was very good, as a lot of companies are deploying the UCS solution. Following the Design Blueprint is very well written. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who works as a pre/post sales VMware engineer.
  • Managing and Optimizing VMWare vSphere Deployments provides many considerations and then arms you with many best practices to utilize when designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining vShere infrastructure. The authors associated best practices with real world examples and case studies to provide a very clear understanding of practices within a vShphere environment- Well done and a must read for any virtualization practitioner...
More aboutRead Online Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments IT Best Practices 9780321820471 Computer Science Books

Download Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

By Chandra Tran

Download Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books


Download As PDF : Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

Download PDF Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google  Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

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Download Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

"Libro consigliatissimo, scritto bene e tramite un linguaggio adatto acnhe ai non addetti ai lavori.
La lettura risulta molto piacevole grazie allo stile dell'autore e facile da comprendere grazie agli esempi riportati."

Product details

  • Paperback 174 pages
  • Publisher Jason Matthews (April 21, 2015)
  • Language Italian
  • ISBN-10 1507108419

Read Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google  Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

Tags : Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google - Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online (Italian Edition) [Jason Matthews, Alessandro Consorti] on . Arrivare in prima pagina su Google tramite facili suggerimenti Seo. Semplicemente tramite il Seo (search engine optimization) si può far arrivare qualsiasi sito in cima,Jason Matthews, Alessandro Consorti,Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google - Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online (Italian Edition),Jason Matthews,1507108419,BUS000000,COMPUTERS / General

Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books Reviews :

Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books Reviews

  • Libro consigliatissimo, scritto bene e tramite un linguaggio adatto acnhe ai non addetti ai lavori.
    La lettura risulta molto piacevole grazie allo stile dell'autore e facile da comprendere grazie agli esempi riportati.
More aboutDownload Posizionarsi in Prima Pagina su Google Consigli Seo per il Marketing Online Italian Edition Jason Matthews Alessandro Consorti 9781507108413 Books

Read Online Libros Para Colorear Para Adultos Mandala Flores Paginas Para Colorear Libros de Mandalas Intrincados Para Adultos Volumen 1 Spanish Edition Chiquita Publishing 9781514357569 Books

By Chandra Tran

Read Online Libros Para Colorear Para Adultos Mandala Flores Paginas Para Colorear Libros de Mandalas Intrincados Para Adultos Volumen 1 Spanish Edition Chiquita Publishing 9781514357569 Books


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PDF Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books

By Chandra Tran

PDF Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books


Download As PDF : Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books

Download PDF Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books

“Edge-of-your-seat excitement.”San Francisco Chronicle

Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders—and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds. But they are not the first to venture here—and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed—and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition they are not alone.

The Earth’s last mystery is about to be revealed…

The world beneath the world is waiting.

“One of the world’s best storytellers.”—Huffington Post

PDF Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books

"I have known of the prolific James Rollins for many years, but this is my first foray into his work. I admit, i was predisposed to like the book because of Rollins' stellar reputation and because I have a fascination for tales of cave exploration. This book met and exceeded my expectations and hopes. I just loved it and couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
I know its my quirk with which to deal, but I found the underground world created by Rollins to be utterly fascinating. The cast of characters is intriguing, some, of course, with hidden agenda. Others have attempted to explore these sub-Antarctic caverns, but none have returned. This is a special team, sporting all the most advanced equipment available.
From the start, things begin to go wrong. I won't say what, but it all works to set up a great, suspenseful, edge of your seat thriller. It is not a spoiler to tell that members of the team get separated and have adventures of their own. What is most shocking is the discovery of an entire race of humans with their own language and lifestyle, who have gone unknown to the outside world. Their are also predators not previously seen, likely descendants of raptors of the dinosaur age.
The ending is explosive and satisfying. The underground world of Rollins' creation is magical in its own way. I'm not sure if there is one, but, for me, this book begs a sequel.
Highest recommendation!"

Product details

  • Mass Market Paperback 560 pages
  • Publisher William Morrow; Reprint edition (October 30, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0061965804

Read Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books

Tags : Subterranean A Thriller (9780061965807) James Rollins Books,James Rollins,Subterranean A Thriller,William Morrow,0061965804,Thrillers - General,Archaeologists;Fiction.,Civilization, Subterranean;Fiction.,Voyages to the otherworld;Fiction.,AMERICAN MYSTERY SUSPENSE FICTION,Action Adventure,Archaeologists,Civilization, Subterranean,FICTION / Action Adventure,FICTION / Thrillers / General,FICTION / Thrillers / Historical,FICTION / Thrillers / Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Espionage / Thriller,Fiction-Thriller,Fiction/Action Adventure,Fiction/Thrillers - General,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Thriller / suspense,Thrillers - Suspense,United States,Voyages to the otherworld

Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books Reviews :

Subterranean A Thriller James Rollins Books Reviews

  • I have known of the prolific James Rollins for many years, but this is my first foray into his work. I admit, i was predisposed to like the book because of Rollins' stellar reputation and because I have a fascination for tales of cave exploration. This book met and exceeded my expectations and hopes. I just loved it and couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
    I know its my quirk with which to deal, but I found the underground world created by Rollins to be utterly fascinating. The cast of characters is intriguing, some, of course, with hidden agenda. Others have attempted to explore these sub-Antarctic caverns, but none have returned. This is a special team, sporting all the most advanced equipment available.
    From the start, things begin to go wrong. I won't say what, but it all works to set up a great, suspenseful, edge of your seat thriller. It is not a spoiler to tell that members of the team get separated and have adventures of their own. What is most shocking is the discovery of an entire race of humans with their own language and lifestyle, who have gone unknown to the outside world. Their are also predators not previously seen, likely descendants of raptors of the dinosaur age.
    The ending is explosive and satisfying. The underground world of Rollins' creation is magical in its own way. I'm not sure if there is one, but, for me, this book begs a sequel.
    Highest recommendation!
  • The action was good, a bit like watching a sci fi movie. The world that the author created was imaginative and thought out. Characters, story, meh.
    Antartica is a world of unknown, so of course a bunch of scientists and the military want to explore/exploit it. Throw in a kid and some man eating monsters and the story can become intense.

    The biggest problem that I had with this book were the characters, the main characters started off promising and then they became corny in a "I love you", "No, I love you" way. Especially, when they just met. A few of the other characters were almost so annoying that you wanted to shake them.
    The story sometimes dragged a little, but there was always action going on that it wasn't too bad. The ending was a bit of a mess. The author tried to weave all of the subplots together and tie them all up at the same time, which made for an abrupt ending with almost no closure.
    This book would probably be good for a vacation while you're at the beach. Non thinking.
  • Subterranean was James's debut under the Rollins pseudonym (He also writes fantasy under the Clemens pseudonym). It was published in 1999 and was available only in the mass market format. Nearly 11 years after its release it is being republished in the hardcover format. Subterranean is a book which is hard to describe without revealing much of its plot. The book begins with a scene set in some underground caverns and with a typical pattern ends on a note which will compel the reader to read ahead.

    The book's main protagonists are Ashley Carter, who is an expert in archaeology and Benjamin Brust who is ex-Australian military guy and a Caving expert. Ashley gets an exciting offer to lead an expedition into Antarctica to find out the whereabouts of a recently discovered idol. Ben however gets coerced into joining the group due to his caving skills and because if he doesn't, he will have to face legal consequences for his previous actions. A team of individuals is assembled which includes experts from other nations as well and they plan to go ahead to find out the origins of the idol. The set up is such that they will have to travel to Antarctica and then go below it to mine for the idol origins and other possible treasure which can be salvaged.

    As per expectations things go haywire for reasons unexpected (I cannot reveal the reasons as that is an integral plot point). The team then due to the circumstances, gets broken up into smaller groups and it is from here on the real fun begins. James Rollins draws us into a subterranean world which is wondrous and deadly at the same time; the world created is almost like an extra dimension/character to this book and this was often a highlight of James earlier standalone books wherein the environment was always a special one and a crucial part of the story as well. The story then takes some rapid twists as the reader is taken deeper into the subterranean world. The plot then totally escalates into a wild adventure ride wherein the background of the earlier teams and the origin and details of the idol are revealed. In the end James packs up an incredible climax involving several of the plot threads bringing the story to a resounding climax.

    The imagination of Rollins, in making up such a fascinating underworld and the terrific action sequences will keep the readers hooked on to the book. This book is one of my favourites and was the second book I ever read of James Rollins but this was the book which made me a fan of his. This book is a self contained one and the author has also left a very appropriate strand open for a sequel which if he does write, will immediately become a must-read book personally.

    CONCLUSION Highly highly recommended for all thriller and adventure fiction fans. This book is quintessential James Rollins fare and possibly one of his best. So pick this up and find out for yourself why James Rollins is considered by many to be a unique combination channeling both Clive Cussler's action plots and Michael Crichton's science-laced ideas to come up with his own brand of thrillers.
  • This is my first and possibly last Rollins novel I've read. To be blunt, this is a poorly written novel, with some of the most bland characters imaginable. There are characters in the story that even after most of the book I still couldn't tell apart because of their completely generic, stereotypical presentation.

    The dialogue of the characters is laughable. Many times in the book I shook my head in disbelief at some of the cliches and wooden comments. Some things seemed terribly outdated, even for a story written in the early 1990s as this was. Awful dialogue.

    I think the best way to describe how this book feels is to compare it to one of those really bad made-for-TV movies that the SciFy channel shows. Think MegaPiranha bad. As I read this, I would find myself thinking things like "so the author really liked Sleestaks when he was younger" or "Ewoks" or "why for the love of all that's good and beautiful am I still reading this cheesy, preposterous nonsense?"

    I have to see though, that this book has it all; protagonists that are one-dimensional, boring predictable villains, sleestaks and ewoks (sort of), cardboard military characters, Obi Wan Kenobi (sort of), inaccurate technical terminology, disregard for the laws of physics, disregard for the laws of dependent eco-systems, and more. In a way it's almost so bad it's good, but no, it's not good.
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Download PDF Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books

By Chandra Tran

Download PDF Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books


Download As PDF : Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books

Download PDF Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books

What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime? How much messiness should we accept? What balance of the new and familiar is the most fulfilling? These may seem like uniquely human quandaries, but they are not. Computers, like us, confront limited space and time, so computer scientists have been grappling with similar problems for decades. And the solutions they’ve found have much to teach us.

In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths show how algorithms developed for computers also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one’s inbox to peering into the future, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living.

Download PDF Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books

"This book is a very good introduction to several mathematical concepts that many people have heard of, but don't know much about. Brian Christian also does something very clever: he makes these concepts eminently relatable.

It may sound like hyperbole, but the chapters on optimal stopping and explore/exploit changed my life. I save a lot more time not trying to figure out which parking spot to choose or where to eat.

The most impactful concepts are clustered in the front of the book, which is again optimal for those readers with short attention spans. The stuff later in the book is also very enlightening, just not as universally applicable as optimal stopping or explore/exploit.

This is not a book designed for people with an advanced understanding of math or computer science. It's designed as a gateway to bring in people like me who are interested in these fields, but are perhaps a little intimidated.

Read it now, people."

Product details

  • Paperback 368 pages
  • Publisher Picador; Reprint edition (April 4, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1250118360

Read Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books

Tags : Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions (9781250118363) Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths Books,Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths,Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions,Picador,1250118360,Cognitive Science,Comptuter algorithms,Computer simulation,Computer simulation.,Human behavior - Mathematical models,Human behavior;Mathematical models.,Problem solving - Mathematics,Problem solving;Mathematics.,138001 Holt Picador Paper-Pic Holt TPC,BUSINESS DECISION MAKING,Business Economics/Decision Making Problem Solving,COMPUTER SCIENCE (GENERAL),COMPUTERS / Computer Science,Computer Science,Computers/Computer Science,Decision-Making Problem Solving,General Adult,NEUROSCIENCE,Non-Fiction,Psychology/Cognitive Psychology Cognition,SCI/TECH,SCIENCE / Cognitive Science,Science,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,computer science books; algorithms; decision making; decision making process; psychology; cognitive science; cognitive science books; problem solving; lifehacks; self help; self help books; human-computer interaction; how to decide; computational science; popular science books; cognitive bias; decision making skills; brain science; cognitive psychology; cognitive neuroscience; nonfiction books,Business Economics/Decision Making Problem Solving,COMPUTERS / Computer Science,Computer Science,Computers/Computer Science,Decision-Making Problem Solving,Psychology/Cognitive Psychology Cognition,SCIENCE / Cognitive Science,Business Decision Making,Computer Science (General),Science,Science/Mathematics

Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books Reviews :

Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books Reviews

  • [The original title of this review was "Great book, though a few inaccuracies & bold claims". See below for two updates on the review and why I changed the title.]

    I'm a little over halfway with this recently published book, which I'm really enjoying so far - and I expect to enjoy it all the way to the end. A lot of great and unexpected insights here, and it seems that the authors did a good job explaining extremely complex algorithms and showing their applicability to real life (though it's hard for me to tell how good their explanations are to a novice, since I'm an expert in the field - I have two masters in Computer Science and working on my PhD, and was familiar with 90% of the algorithms described before opening the book).

    My biggest quibble with this book (and the reason they lost a star) is that I noticed a few annoying/sloppy inaccuracies, which makes [made! - see below for updates] me ever so slightly doubt the accuracy and veracity of other areas of the book that I'm less familiar with. The other issue is the boldness of their (otherwise very interesting) conjectures.

    For example, the authors misunderstand and misquote the 2-minute rule from David Allen's Getting Things Done, claiming the rule tells you to perform any less than 2-min task immediately when it occurs to you - and essentially simplifying the entire GTD system into the 2-min rule, which is in fact a tiny part of GTD (pg. 105-106). In fact, however, Allen does not suggest that at all - that would distract you from whatever you're currently engaged with, i.e. require a context switch (the costs of which the authors discuss at length). Instead, you should write that task down and add it to your intray, just like any other task. The 2-minute rule is applied later, while clearing your intray (which can be anytime in the next 48 hours). The point of the 2-minute rule is that the time spent on adding this task into your otherwise-extremely-flexible GTD system, and then tracking it in said system, would take longer than two minutes. This type of tracking is akin to what the authors refer to as "meta-work", and thus performing the 2-min task at inbox clearing time saves you an equal or greater amount of meta-work later. This is completely in line with the type of scheduling suggestions that the authors discuss. I'm not familiar with the other popular advice books the authors quote in the scheduling chapter or in the others chapters (e.g. the empty-your-closet type books they discuss in chapter 4), so I don't know if there are other such mischaracterizations, but it makes me suspect there might be. And I get that they're trying to differentiate their own advice from "all the other pop books out there", but if they're going to explicitly cite other books, they should try not to misrepresent them.

    Also, when discussing the Gittins rule and the multi-armed bandit problem, they say that a machine with a 0-0 record has "a Gittins index of 0.7029. In other words, something you have no experience with whatsoever is more attractive than a machine that you know pays out seven times out of ten!" (pg. 40). However, their own table on the same page clearly shows that a machine with a 7-3 record has a Gittins index of 0.7187, making such a machine ever so slightly superior to a 0-0 one. After some more reading I realized that what they meant was that a machine with a 0-0 record and *uncertainty* is better than a *certain payout* of 70% (i.e. guaranteed to payout 7 out of 10), but that was not what the text implied.

    To be clear, these inaccuracies in and of themselves aren't huge - but they planted a seed of doubt in my mind [which is not as big anymore - see below] as to whether there were other such misrepresentations or inaccuracies in the book that I simply hadn't caught, and detracted from my enjoyment of the book.

    The other concern I have with this book is that several chapters end with provocative suggestions that aren't actually empirically-backed. These conjectures are cool, but I'd have liked to see scientists be more careful about making such bold claims, or at least couching them in the need for more research to establish whether they were entirely true. One example here was the discussion about the decline of aging supposedly being a result of simply having a larger history to remember (pgs 103-104). This is a fascinating conjecture, and one that deserves to be studied properly, but they are basing it on some research work that was not age-related. I suspect the authors may be on to something, at least in the context of "normal aging" cognitive decline as opposed to, say, alzheimer-related decline. However, as stated in the text, the conjectures are stated a bit too strongly for my tastes ("But as you age, and begin to experience these sporadic latencies, take heart the length of the delay is partly an indicator of the extent of your experience.", pg 104). I'd hate to see anyone making decisions based on them - potentially missing an earlier diagnosis, say, of alzheimer's, because the authors claimed that cognitive decline is totally normal.

    Quibbles and concerns notwithstanding, I'm definitely enjoying the book and I think it's a great addition to the new genre of what's being called by some "science-help". It's also a good read for people who are tired of the same-old, and thirsty for some advice that's off the beaten path.

    The rest of the book was as good as I expected.
    Additionally, I sent this review to the lead author (Brian Christian) in case he wanted to address these issues. I was delighted to receive a very thoughtful response from him! They will be fixing the Gittens rule description in the paperback edition, to make it clearer to the reader. The author respectfully disagreed with me on the other two issues (GTD 2 minute rule & cognitive decline).
    Given what I saw in the email, I'd say the intentions behind the book definitely merit 5 stars (even though I still disagree on their presentation of those two topics). However, I'll leave the original title & rating of 4 stars as it stands for the original hardcover edition, and for consistency's sake. As I originally said, the book stands as an excellent addition to the genre, and also likely as a great first exposure into Computer Science if you've never had any.

    2nd update
    Apparently, this review is now listed as the top most helpful review on (cool!). The book has been so successful that the first author (Brian Christian) recently informed me that the book is now on its third printing, which means that the Gittins index issue mentioned above is now fixed in the current and future editions. As for the other issues I had, they are more subjective in nature, and not large enough in and of themselves to merit the original (harsher) title of the review. Again, for completeness' sake and to avoid rewriting history, I leave the original review as its stands and the original title is listed below the new title, with only a few comments in brackets leading readers to these updates in the bottom.
  • Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths

    There are predictably a number of readers who will look at this title and shy away, thinking that a book with "algorithms" in its title must be just for techies and computer scientists. There will be others who pride themselves on being technologically astute who think they know all about algorithms already. Both groups are wrong. Both will be astounded and profoundly affected by the human applications Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths make in this book for all of us. I should qualify that; it is a book for anyone who has ever had difficulty in such tasks as "when to stop looking" (for an apartment, for instance); how to schedule a busy family's priorities; how to clean out the garage; how to stop thinking about a problem; how to network. In fact, all the day-to-day problems that follow us from waking up to going to bed are addressed here by the human use of algorithms. I confess that I was grateful for the definition of "algorithms" early in the book; it is one of those words that everyone uses but many of us would have been hard put to explain. Notice I wrote "would have been" because this book explains it all so clearly that neophytes can understand it and technological people will not feel they are being patronized. And all of us who really use this book (not just read, but use) will find it has made our lives more productive, better organized, and essentially, much happier. Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths are geniuses at combining cutting edge philosophy with information we can use to make our lives richer.
  • This book is a very good introduction to several mathematical concepts that many people have heard of, but don't know much about. Brian Christian also does something very clever he makes these concepts eminently relatable.

    It may sound like hyperbole, but the chapters on optimal stopping and explore/exploit changed my life. I save a lot more time not trying to figure out which parking spot to choose or where to eat.

    The most impactful concepts are clustered in the front of the book, which is again optimal for those readers with short attention spans. The stuff later in the book is also very enlightening, just not as universally applicable as optimal stopping or explore/exploit.

    This is not a book designed for people with an advanced understanding of math or computer science. It's designed as a gateway to bring in people like me who are interested in these fields, but are perhaps a little intimidated.

    Read it now, people.
More aboutDownload PDF Algorithms to Live By The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian Tom Griffiths Books